Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Healing a Broken Heart....

...a seemingly impossible task to achieve on one's own.

"Words and hearts should be handled with care for words when spoken and hearts when broken are the hardest things to repair." ~ Anonymous

“The human heart has hidden treasures, In secret kept, in silence sealed; The thoughts, the hopes, the dreams, the pleasures, Whose charms were broken if revealed” ~ Charlotte Bronte

“You don't die of a broken heart, you only wish you did.” ~ Marilyn Peterson

Truer words were never spoken.

To anyone reading this, it may seem as if my latest piece is expressive of my current condition, but in truth, that is only partly true. I feel as if this image has been in my head forever, or at least since the first time I ever experienced heartbreak, and it has been trying to escape into some form. I think I have finally been able to release it, after holding on for soooo many years.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

What to say...

Recently, I've been learning how to use Photoshop CS3 (stuff beyond the basics), and let me tell you... it's no easy task. There is just so much to this program that even after going through the Adobe Classroom in a Book tutorials and some others by professional artists, I still haven't learned it all!!! I'm hoping that with more practice, I'll be able to create some pretty awesome images, but only time will tell. For now, I will post my latest image. I'm still not sure if it is complete, but I'm at the point where I just don't know what to do anymore. I hope to also post images of my art outside the digital realm when I actual get the motivation to make some, so stay tuned!